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[E] foxflame
[E] foxflame
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over 13 years ago
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over 12 years ago
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Why did Lucy drop her icecream? Because she had no arms. Knock knock. Who's there? Not Lucy. What did Lucy get for Christmas? Cancer.
over 12 years ago
You and I... we will get along very well.
over 12 years ago
I don't think this has anything to actually do with your thread, but sir, you have excellent grammar and punctuation, unlike the vast majority of people! Thank you for standing out among the masses. I applaud you.
over 12 years ago
Does anyone else listen to music while playing Minecraft? Like, music music? If so, post the song you like the most while playing Minecraft! I prefer epic music, so I'm going to say: Gold Dust by Flux Pavilion because dubstep goes with Minecraft like nobody's business...
over 12 years ago
These are all the pictures that go along with the words above. Sorry for the trouble!
over 12 years ago